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3 Must-Know Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Halloween

October 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drolberding @ 6:49 am
a pumpkin-shaped toothbrush holder

Halloween is right around the corner—and while it’s the perfect time to throw on a costume and head to a party, snack on some of your favorite sweets, and celebrate all sorts of spooky festivities, it’s essential to be mindful of your oral health amidst all the sugary trends. That said, you aren’t entirely helpless in the battle against issues like cavities and tooth decay; with a little knowledge and diligence, you can protect your pearly whites and ensure they look and feel their best all throughout Halloween. Here are three must-know oral health tips from your trusted dentist.

Tip #1. Choose Your Candy Wisely

Let’s face it—it wouldn’t be Halloween without candy, and it’s a pretty big ask to swear it off entirely for the holiday. However, if you show moderation and opt for sweets that are less harmful to your teeth, you’re far less likely to encounter dental issues as a result. Some problematic candies include things like lollipops, jawbreakers, Jolly Ranchers, and other hard items. Since they’re in longer contact with the teeth, they’re exposing them to more sugar; plus, they can harm the enamel if bitten into. Chewy, gooey, and sticky candies can also be problematic, especially for those with orthodontic appliances. If you have the choice, opt for softer candies like chocolate or peanut butter cups. Darker chocolate contains less sugar than many other candies, making it a relatively better choice.

Tip #2. Drink Plenty of Water

Did you know that water is by far and away the absolute best beverage for your oral health? Of course, it lacks the sugars and acids present in sodas, juices, coffee, and other popular drinks—but more importantly, it stimulates your mouth’s flow of saliva. Your saliva is your body’s primary defense mechanism against the bacteria that causes tooth decay and cavities, so if there’s plenty of it around, you’re less likely to develop cavities. If you’re going trick-or-treating this Halloween, consider bringing a refillable water bottle with you!

Tip #3. Make Time for Oral Hygiene

Make sure that you’re keeping up with your oral hygiene regimen throughout the month, but especially on Halloween and the days preceding and following it. This includes brushing twice a day for two minutes each time, flossing daily, and supplementing with an antibacterial mouthwash. These habits won’t fully guarantee you’re protected from cavities, but they’ll drastically lessen the likelihood of them popping up, meaning it’s well worth your time.

Halloween is also a great reminder that it might be time for your next dental visit; remember, you cannot do it all on your own at home, and your dentist is your greatest ally in the ongoing fight against cavities and other nasty oral health issues.

About the Author

Dr. Louis Olberding received his DDS from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry in 1999 and has proudly served patients and families in the Lincoln, NE area ever since! His practice is thrilled to offer a wide range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic treatment options that are certain to help you and your loved ones achieve and maintain dazzling, radiant smiles. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to arrange an appointment, feel free to contact his practice online or over the phone for additional information or assistance. Telephone: (402) 488-2325.

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