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Enhance Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers in Lincoln

August 27, 2016

Are cosmetic defects spoiling your smile? You may qualify for porcelain veneers from Lincoln dentist, Dr. Louis Olberding. Learn the details here.For your entire adult life, you have felt self-conscious about the gap between your front teeth. And, you’ve acquired some dark staining on visible bottom teeth. You are glad your teeth remain free of decay, and your gums are in great shape. Could your smile look better? It can with porcelain veneers from Olberding Dental in Lincoln. These wafer-thin ceramic covers beautify healthy teeth that are marred by aesthetic defects such as stains and chips.

Getting Porcelain Veneers

During a cosmetic dentistry consultation, Dr. Louis Olberding examines the patient’s mouth and also takes photos, X-rays and other sophisticated imaging to send to a trusted dental lab. He measures the teeth and takes oral impressions. From the impressions, the lab ceramist individually crafts a three-dimensional model of the individual’s mouth. The model helps the technician make the veneers the right shape, size and length.

Also, Dr. Olberding shaves a thin portion of enamel off each tooth. This reduction of the front side allows enough space for the porcelain veneers to fit properly and comfortably beneath the patient’s lips and against his gums. The dentist places temporary veneers over the prepared teeth.

At the next visit, the Lincoln cosmetic dentist bonds the veneers in place. He adjusts the color of the translucent veneers by varying the shade of the cement. He hardens the cement with a special curing light and ensures teeth bite together correctly.

Are Porcelain Veneers Right for You?

They can be if you have sufficient tooth structure to accept the veneers. Additionally, teeth should not be overly sensitive and must be free from decay. Nearby gum tissue must be pink and intact. If a tooth is too severely cracked or chipped, a porcelain crown may be the better restorative treatment.

Additionally, ideal candidates for veneers have realistic goals for their smiles. Patients must realize that any cosmetic dental treatment improves appearance. However, no cosmetic dentist in Lincoln promises patients will look 30 years younger because of their aesthetic services.

Finally, good veneer candidates take care of their teeth. They brush twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss daily according to American Dental Association (ADA) guidelines. They treat their veneers gently by refraining from biting hard foods, such as peanut brittle, and opening plastic packages or bottles with their teeth. Of course, all cosmetic dental patients should see Dr. Olberding twice a year for routine examinations and hygienic cleanings. Exams always include a careful check of existing restorations and cosmetic treatments.

You Will Receive the Best Care

Louis Olberding DDS has years of experience treating complex dental cases, and he has a great eye for the artistry cosmetic dentistry requires. Because he also has a passion for continuing education, you can count on his skills being sharp and up-to-date.

If porcelain veneers sound intriguing, contact Olberding Dental for an appointment with Dr. Olberding. Bring your questions, and think about how you want your smile to change. Together, you will arrive at a great solution!

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