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The Best Smile-Friendly Snacks for Your Oral Health

January 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drolberding @ 10:05 pm
Healthy snacks in heart-shaped dishes

You do your best to take care of your smile with a great dental routine and regular visits to your dentist. But did you know that better oral health can be as close as your kitchen? By cutting back on sugary treats and adding some certain tasty foods to your diet, you can rebuild your enamel, keep your gums healthy, and prevent tooth decay! Here are some smile-friendly snack suggestions from your dentist in Lincoln.

Raw Carrots, Celery, and Cucumbers

Although they’re not always the most popular snack choice, crunchy raw vegetables that are high in fiber are a great way to fight off cavities. As you eat them, they lightly scrub away at your teeth, removing plaque and bacteria that would otherwise sit there and burn through your enamel. They also help keep your teeth clean by encouraging the production of saliva, which constantly rinses off your teeth throughout the day.  

Low or Non-Fat Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt

Did you know that your enamel is the hardest substance in your body? It protects the sensitive inside layers of your teeth from temperatures, pressure, and damage. However, it does get worn down by use over time. By eating dairy products like cheese and yogurt, you can replace the calcium that your enamel has lost and restore its strength. If you’re lactose intolerant, you can add calcium to your diet by eating almonds, leafy greens, canned fish, or calcium supplements.

Pineapples, Broccoli, Oranges, and Spinach

Vitamin C can be found in many foods, some of which might surprise you! This healthy vitamin is a great way to boost your immune system and help your body fight off infections, including the ones in your mouth. If bacteria infect your gum tissue, you can develop gum disease. If left untreated, this common condition can cause permanent damage and tooth loss. Thankfully, gum disease can easily be prevented with great oral hygiene and a healthy immune system.

Bonus Snack: Tap Water

Did you know that a glass of apple juice can have just as much sugar as a can of soda? Even though they’re full of beneficial nutrients, fruit juices can be just as sugary or acidic as sodas and sports drinks. While you can reduce your risk of tooth decay by drinking these beverages from a straw, a better choice is to drink tap water. Sipping water throughout your day is a healthy choice that cleans off any lingering food particles, plaque, and sugars from your teeth. Not only that, but most tap water is fortified with fluoride. This amazing element binds with your enamel to make your teeth even stronger than before!

Alongside great dental routines and regular visits to your dentist, you can easily improve your oral health with the right foods. Add these smile-friendly snacks to your daily diet for a delicious way to get a healthier, brighter smile.

About the Author

Dr. Louis Olberding is proud to serve the Lincoln, NE area and surrounding communities with superior oral healthcare and the newest dental technology. He is dedicated to stopping small issues before they become larger problems, which is why he takes the time to help his patients develop efficient and effective at-home dental health routines. In-office, he offers professional cleanings and sealants to help your smile stay healthy and cavity-free. To learn more, he can be contacted at his website or (402) 488-2325.

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