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Dentist in Lincoln Says to Avoid These 8 Foods and Drinks After Teeth Whitening

June 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:05 pm
assorted candy

If your teeth are stained yellow or gray, you might be unhappy with them. You might be thinking of getting professional teeth whitening to improve your confidence in your smile. Teeth whitening, especially from your dentist, can be a great way to remove surface stains and feel more comfortable showing your teeth. However, for up to 48 hours after treatment, your teeth are temporarily more susceptible to stains. Keep reading as a dentist in Lincoln, NE explains why you should avoid these 8 types of foods and drinks after teeth whitening.

Alcoholic Drinks

Red wine, beer, and any other form of colored alcohol can have a serious staining effect, so it’s best to avoid drinking them to allow your teeth to get white and stay white.

Dark Beverages

Liquids like coffee, dark tea, and dark sodas can deeply stain the teeth. In fact, ingesting too many of these drinks is often why people seek teeth whitening in Lincoln in the first place. If you simply can’t quit coffee or tea for a couple of days, try sipping it through a straw to minimize any discoloration to your teeth.


Although fruits provide numerous health benefits, it’s best to abstain from them for a couple days after the whitening process. Many fruits are acidic, meaning the increase the acidity of your saliva. More acidic saliva can actually damage parts of your teeth where the whitening chemicals have been applied, resulting in pain or sensitivity.


Foods high in sugar should be ingested sparingly in general, but especially after getting your teeth whitened. Sugary snacks can trigger the buildup of bacteria that can cause decay, infection, and staining.


Other than white pasta sauce, it would be wise to go without sauces like tomato sauce or soy sauce. Basically, don’t eat anything that would fail the “white shirt test.” Anything that would leave a visible stain on a white piece of clothing should be avoided.

Cold Foods

After whitening, your teeth will most likely be more sensitive than normal for up to 36 hours. Stay away from foods like ice cream and yogurt for a couple of days. If you still want to indulge in them, let them sit outside the fridge for a while so they warm up a bit and don’t cause as much discomfort to your teeth.

Tobacco Products

Although not technically a food, tobacco should be avoided as much as possible, and not just following the whitening process. Tobacco is a main culprit in tooth staining in the first place, so you don’t want to reverse the treatment you just got.

Certain Medications

Some doctors suggest not taking various anti-bacterial medications like tetracycline after whitening. They may trigger blots in the teeth or weakening of the enamel, leading to increases tooth sensitivity.

When in doubt, it’s best to ask your dentist in Lincoln about what foods are okay to eat after your teeth whitening treatment. Going without these foods for a few days is definitely worth it to maintain a beautiful smile that lasts for years!

About the Author

Dr. Louis Olberding has been at his current practice in Lincoln, NE since 2003. He and his team work to all get to know their patients together to provide the most customized care possible. He is a member of the Spear Visiting Faculty, and is one of only two dentists in all of Nebraska to hold this prestigious position. His practice offers take-home whitening kits to help you achieve your desired smile on your own time. To learn more click here or call (402)-488-2325.

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