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Need-To-Know Flossing Advice Form a Lincoln Dentist!

September 25, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drolberding @ 2:42 pm

dental checkup You brush your teeth diligently and even use mouthwash to add that extra kick of freshness to your breath, but your dentist tells you your gums are still unhealthy. How could that be?

You may not be flossing. Yeah yeah, we know it’s not the most exciting part of anyone’s day, but it’s amazing for your oral health. Your Lincoln dentist is here to explain why.

Respect Flossing!

Did you know that if you don’t floss you could be missing up to 38% of your smile’s surface? Yeah, just about a third of your teeth are still dirty after brushing.

Flossing your teeth is the way to get into the tight spaces between your teeth. If you don’t floss, the areas between your teeth and beneath your gum line will begin to breed bacteria. It’ll be no time before plaque buildup and tartar will begin to develop into serious dental issues.

What are the Benefits of Flossing Your Teeth?

When you floss you’re breaking up plaque bacterial biofilm on your teeth and removing it from your smile. Plaque buildup puts you at risk for developing infections and could possibly make you prone to harmful diseases. Choosing not to floss leaves your smile vulnerable to gum infection (gingivitis), which can lead to gum disease (periodontal disease) and eventually cause tooth loss.

Why should I floss if I don’t see an immediate difference?

Believe it or not, every time you choose to floss, you’re greatly helping your oral health.

The initial signs of gum infection can easily fly under the radar. If you avoid flossing for a few days, you may notice your gums are a bit tender, red and they may bleed when you brush or eventually floss your teeth. This isn’t normal or healthy!

Typically, you won’t notice your teeth are in danger until gum disease is very advanced and settling into your vulnerable smile. When gum disease reaches the stage of periodontitis, teeth may be in pain and loose. Restoring optimal oral health is much more difficult and you may even be facing severe tooth loss.

How should I floss my teeth?

If you’re new to flossing or just want to know the best way how to, follow these easy steps:

  • Use 18 inches of floss. Wrap most of it around the middle finger of one hand, the rest around your other middle finger
  • Grasp the string tightly between your thumb and forefinger, and use a rubbing motion to guide it between teeth. Curve the floss around each tooth slightly to clean around curved sides.
  • Hold the strand firmly against the tooth, and move it gently up and down.
  • Repeat with the tooth on the other side of that space, and then repeat the entire process with the rest of your teeth.
  • Don’t forget to floss behind your back teeth, too — this is by far the place where most gum disease and decay manifests.
  • Use fresh sections of floss as you go.

Next time you visit your dentist, feel free to ask them to complete a flossing demonstration for clarity.

About Our Office

Imagine being able to smile in total confidence, knowing that not only your teeth are beautiful but they’re completely healthy, too. That vision is easily attainable when you choose to visit Olberding Dental. If you’re new to the area or are in the market for a dentist, feel free to contact our helpful office.


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